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  OSMO MONSTER is an iPad game project I worked on full-time at Schell Games during my internship there. I was the only sound designer when I was on this project creating SFX, recording VO and arranging music for its environments for the game's phase Adventure and phase House. The entire production time for these two phases were from Sep. 2016 to Nov. 2016. 


The game's available at iTune Store.



  Brickheadz is a Lego Daydream VR game project I helped during my internship at Schell Games. I helped create some additional SFX and hooked up some existing sounds collections to the animations. In addition, I also composed two background music pieces for two environments.


The game's available at Google Play.


Finalist in the Serious Games 2016 Showcase & Challenge

A fine line

    A Fine Line is a web-based interactive experience for students at Carnegie Mellon that addresses academic integrity and violations. The experience gives user the ability to navigate the story, and make impactful decisions within it. In this project, we use Three.js library to create and display animated 3D computer graphics in web browser. The website was published, and the experience was delivered to the client, used by School of Computer Science.

I designed and scripted a background noise shuffle system which randomly plays noise clips at a certain environment in order to create a more natural ambient sound layer as well as reduce the audio assets size. See the shuffle system flow on the left.


When initializing a new scene, the background noises are registered with their possibilities and repeatabilities. So that we could control which noise we want it to be played frequently and which are less frequently. Also we could control whether we want a noise to be repeatedly played or not. Then they go through the shuffle system and playback.


play the experience here:

a fine line

Interactive Magic


Interactive magic

Interactive Magic

  Interactive Magic is a location-based interactive experience we created in 3 weeks. It's an installed interactive space, with floor pads for guest to step on and hanging orbs to touch. By stepping on a certain floor pad, guests turn up the volume of one music track. And by touching orbs guests add audio filters to the playing music pieces.

  These music tracks are all played by synthesizers instead of piano, guitar or other traditional instruments. Thus all our 3 songs are Electronic music. Each music track is a 16 seconds loop. Once one track is triggered, it plays for 16 seconds and then fades out. To make these 16 seconds loops sounds more dynamic and lively when played together, we implemented the floor pads state system.

  The floor pads blink when one track starts (all 8 tracks start at different period, but the base track is always playing). At first there's only one floor pad blinking, as time passes, more pads start blinking and guests can step on. If the guests step off, that track will still play for 16 seconds and then fade out, if not, it will continue looping. At a moment if all pads are stepped on, the guests find the easter egg -- the REMIX !!

Interactive Magic



Space escape

Space Escape





Silent Teddy
Space Escape

  Silent Teddy is a story-based Oculus Rift horror game we made in BVW story round. The story is about a little boy who was suffering school bully turned to a monster and was going to kill all kids who had bullied him before. 

  Since it's a horror game and the main character was bullied at school, I made the background music creepy but also tried to explain the pain of character through the music.

  As it's a world built in story round, we created a lot of cut-scenes. For each of these cut-scenes, I composed one short piece of music to fit the plot, and made them fit the theme melody.

  Infection is a Google Tango multiplayer game we made in BVW lightning round. In this game, guests conquer fortresses and get more soilders with them in limited time. 

  The environment of this game is like a wilderness. Feels like one is runing around alone on an uninhabited wilderness. There are fear, tension, and loneliness. I wrote the background song to fit these feelings, placing the hard rock guitar track - which is the main melody track - far away, having the beats and a base track mimic the rhythm of running alone, and creating a very emotional piano track appeared in the middle of the song to promote the feelings.

  C4 is a Kinect game we made in BVW round 2. This is a game even naive guests can play. Imagine you are a double agent spying the house to know about two suspects, what you need to do is to hear from this house and find anything suspicious.

  The hearing mechanism requires a great amount of sounds, including sounds of objects in the house, like a spinning fan or the buzzing light or even the refrigerator, and room tones for each room. In the meantime, a large number of dialogues for the guests to hear and analyze.

  Space Escape is a Oculus Rift game we made in BVW round 1. In an exploding broken spaceship, guests help the cute robot to find a way to exit by moving the broken platforms everywhere.

  To make sure the robot is cute enough, I gave it the sound of a puppy barking sound remixed with electronic music effects. Though it can not talk, the eletronic dog sound makes it even more adorable.


Silent Teddy

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